Who Would You Like To Thank
I was looking at some AI-generated art and thought about why it seemed creepy. It’s not just the uncanny valley of almost-real people and the surreal table setting. It’s the way everybody’s character and expression are perfectly...
An Interactive, Chat GPT AMA on Blockchain Faith
AMA is an acronym for “Ask Me Anything.” Now you can ask Chat GPT – the hot new AI by Open AI – to be your guide to the book “Blockchain Faith.” Check it out here, you can ask anything...
Love Is Stronger Than Death
It’s been over a year without activity here, and I owe you an explanation. Late in 2020, Bell’s Palsy paralyzed the right side of my face, making it difficult to write due to loss of control over my right eye. Ominously, the palsy...
Submission Guidelines - Short Stories
Please follow these guidelines when submitting a short story to Eggseed Press. (Coming Soon)
The One Technique Guaranteed to Persuade Anyone
Agree with them. That’s the technique! But don’t pretend, or they will know, and you will have failed to persuade them. You must agree after honest dialogue...
A Porcine Abogado
Once upon a time in the City of Angels, just east of the river by that same name, and not long after The Year of Engineered Viruses, ordinary hardworking people lived in ignorance of the small miracle unfolding around them… Justus reread the...
Mutual Press, Mutual Benefit
When you’re out of a job, one of the best things you can do for yourself is invest in skills and assets that will pay off over the long term. Mutual Press is a way that creatives can support one another and enhance the value of their...
Cain, Abel, and Conflict Resolution
Secure public networks can support fair and efficient conflict resolution using a decentralized process. Consider the story of two ordinary people caught in a good deal gone bad. We’ll call them Cain and Able...
Spelling PANDEMIC With An ‘L’
Ostracized doctors and peddlers of nutritional supplements tell us why we should worry that the viral onslaught is spelled PLANDEMIC. Others deny the contagion is dangerous...
Our Dreams
In times like these, we dream of things that not yet be. To be wealthy, but not filthy, as rich as twenty kings without needing a penny. Surrounded by love and thriving with joy and ease, in a city set by a sparkling sea, caressed by gentle...
A Temple Of Stone

Dramatic introductions are a recurring theme in my most lasting relationships. So my virgin experience of the Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) Conference the first weekend of March 2020 in San Antonio Texas, as a general panic...
Cain, Abel, and Conflict Resolution

Eggseed Mutual Press will be a peer-to-peer community, making use of new approaches for conflict resolution. Here’s a story I wrote about conflict resolution in p2p communities. In a way, communities define themselves by their manner of...
Unchain Your Love Story
I know the signs — constantly thinking about her, gazing adoringly at her photos, longing for her tender touches and wild play, composing love songs and singing in the shower— I am infatuated again...
Loving Kittens Matters
Empathy is contagious, and matters most of all. About a moon ago, a kitten mewled its way out of a deep tight spot and into my family’s hearts. We’ll never know how it got trapped and left to die...
Won't You Be My Neighbor
A weird writer moves in. He offers eclectic observations. One day he’s talking about the mating habits of hedgehogs, the next day Ethereum and distributed applications. You might not get it, at first...